Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Importing Jewelry Wholesale

Importing Jewelry Wholesale

If you are considering importing jewelry wholesale, 
you might want to see what your other options are. 
When jewelry is imported, there are additional 
costs, such as high shipping costs, that you may 
not be prepared to pay. There are also other issues 
to consider as well.

Customs is a major issue, because some materials 
that come from endangered animals are outlawed in 
the United States – ivory for example. When 
importing jewelry, you need to be sure that all of 
the materials that make up the jewelry can be 
legally imported. 

The possibility of not getting what you paid for is 
another consideration that you must think about. If 
you order from someone outside of the United 
States – where the United States has no legal 
jurisdiction – there won’t be anything you can do if 
you are ripped off. If you are importing jewelry 
wholesale, make sure that you are dealing with a 
reputable company.

Usually, if you can find the same pieces of jewelry 
for sale in the United States, at a slightly higher 
cost, you will be better off making your purchase in 
the US. By the time you add shipping to the 
imported jewelry, it will probably cost more. 
However, there are many pieces that can only be 
found in other countries. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How to Sell Jewelry Wholesale 2013

How to Sell Jewelry Wholesale

If you are a creative person, with a great sense of 
style and flair, you may be able to start your own 
business – making and selling jewelry wholesale. 
Because people are so very unique, they want 
jewelry pieces that are unique – one-of-a-kind 
pieces that nobody else in the world owns! This 
desire can make you quite a bit of money – 
simply start your very own jewelry wholesale 

You can easily order wholesale supplies from 
hundreds of companies around the globe online – 
at really low prices. It is important to keep up with 
how much each part of each piece of jewelry costs 
you, and to get a total cost of each piece, including 
any expenses that you had for having supplies 
shipped to you. With the total cost figured, you can 
easily set your prices by adding 15% to the cost. 

You can sell your pieces in a variety of ways. You 
can open your own online wholesale jewelry store, 
sell to local jewelry stores, rent booths at local flea 
markets and fairs, or advertise your jewelry making 
skills and take orders for unique pieces. You can 
also sell your pieces on consignment at boutiques.

You want to be known for your quality. Always 
select the highest quality gems and stones for your 
pieces, and make sure that the craftsmanship is 
outstanding. Become exclusive, and more people 
will want to purchase your pieces – and never make 
any two pieces alike. 

However, you can also go the other route and make 
hundreds of identical pieces, as they are ordered.  
You do this by making one very unique, high quality 
piece, and showing it to your local jewelry stores. 
Ask them if they would like to order in bulk, then fill 
the order. 

Another option is to do catalog sales. Make enough 
pieces to fill a small catalog, and take pictures of 
each piece. Write a description for each piece and 
then put together your own catalog using software 
and a good printer – or send the work to a print 
shop. You can send these catalogs out to a list 
that you obtain from a direct mailing list company.

This type of business does require creativity and 
skill, but it also requires the ability to market 
yourself and your jewelry. You need to have 
business cards printed, and also have catalogs and 
brochures printed as well to market your jewelry 
wholesale business.

Monday, July 1, 2013

How to Select Jewelry Wholesale Beads

How to Select Jewelry Wholesale Beads

When purchasing wholesale jewelry beads, you 
must use care. You don’t want to end up with beads 
that aren’t worth anything to you! Selecting beads 
takes a lot of thought – we aren’t talking about 
plastic beads that children use to make jewelry. We 
are talking about quality beads used to make grown 
up jewelry!

Avoid cheap plastic beads. This may be suitable for 
some pieces, but it isn’t very durable – or very 
pretty. Instead, buy glass beads or Lucite beads. 
These are not only durable, they are very shiny and 
pretty. They do not have the ‘cloudy’ look of plastic 

Inspect the beads for imperfections if possible. 
Beads that are ‘lopsided’ won’t do. Beads that are 
chipped, broken, or scratched are useless. Don’t 
purchase these beads no matter how cheap they 

Most jewelry wholesale beads are sold in bulk. In 
this case, you probably won’t have the opportunity 
to inspect the beads, so ask about the exchange 
policy. Will you be able to exchange the beads that 
are less than perfect? Depending on how the beads 
are packaged and sold, and the policy of the 
business selling the jewelry wholesale beads, this 
may not be possible.